
New member joining the Scientific Council for College and Institutes

The Scientific Council for Colleges and Institutes of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu is honored to welcome a new council member his Excellency Dr. Yasser bin Abdulaziz Hadi, Managing Director at Yanbu Industrial College. The council extends best wishes for his Excellency in his new role.

Scientific Promotion of Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman Bajabaa

The Scientific Council in its fourth meeting held on 2-4-1434 H corresponding to 12.02.2013 AD discussed the reports received from the scientific evaluation committee on the work submitted by Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman Bajabaa, assistant professor at the mechanical engineering department, Yanbu Industrial College, for the promotion to associate professor position.  Since Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman Bajabaa met all the requirements for the promotion to the associate professor position at the mechanical engineering department, the council approved the scientific promotion of Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman Bajabaa to associate professor at the mechanical engineering department, Yanbu Industrial College, effective the approval date of 2-4-1434H.

Scientific Promotion of Dr. Abdulkarim bin Eid Alaloni

The Scientific Council in its fourth meeting held on 2-4-1434 H corresponding to 12.02.2013 AD discussed the reports received from the scientific evaluation committee on the work submitted by Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman Bajabaa, assistant professor at the computer science and engineering department, Yanbu Industrial College, for the promotion to associate professor position.  Since Dr. Abdulkarim bin Eid Alaloni met all the requirements for the promotion to the associate professor position at the computer science and engineering department, the council approved the scientific promotion of Dr. Abdulkarim bin Eid Alaloni to associate professor at the computer science and engineering department, Yanbu Industrial College, effective the approval date of 2-4-1434H.

Fourth Session of the Scientific Council for Colleges and Institutes

The Scientific Council held its fourth session on Tuesday, 02/04/1434H corresponding to 12/02/2013 AD in Yanbu Industrial City.


A new member joins the Scientific Council

The Scientific Council for Colleges and Institutes of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu is honored to welcome a new council member his Excellency Professor Kamal Mansour bin Aljembi, deputy of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, College of Computer and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University. The council extends best wishes to his Excellency and stressing that his academic and research expertise are a distinct addition to the Council.


Promotion of Dr. Saad bin Hashim Al Elyani

The Scientific Council in its third meeting held on 09/11/1433H corresponding to 25/09/2012AD discussed the reports received from the scientific evaluation committee on the work submitted by Dr. Saad bin Hashim Al Elyani, assistant professor at the general studies department, Jubail University College, for the promotion to associate professor position.  Since Dr. Saad bin Hashim Al Elyani met all the requirements for the promotion to the associate professor position at the general studies department, the council approved the scientific promotion of Dr. Saad bin Hashim Al Elyani to associate professor at the general studies department, Jubail University College, effective the approval date of 09-11-1433H.